
Me and Myself

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Dream... My Ambition

What is my dream? I can't say that it's a dream. It's an ambition actually. I want to start up my own business in 5 years from now. 5 years from now because i wan to complete my masters first and work to gain experience and to collect money. In this five years I am hoping to expand my network so that I'll have people by my side when I start up one day. I wanted to be an entrepreneur not because i want money. No it's not true. Offcourse I want money. I want to be so rich but I don't to keep all the money for myself. I want to help my community. There are lot of them out there suffering in poverty. Children is not getting proper education for their future and people dying because don't have money to treat their disease. I wan to help them all. I would like to be a social entrepreneur too. I'm working hard to achieve my ambition. Hope one day I'll be in a very good position in this society.

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